I m p o r t & E x p o r t  


The Common fig (Ficus carica) is a large, deciduous shrub or small tree native to southwest Asia and the Mediterranean region (from Afghanistan to Portugal). It grows to a height of 6.9–10 meters (23–33 ft) tall, with smooth grey bark. The leaves are 12–25 centimeters (4.7–9.8 in) long and 10–18 centimeters (3.9–7.1 in) across, and deeply lobed with three or five lobes. The fruit is 3–5 centimeters (1.2–2.0 in) long, with a green skin, sometimes ripening towards purple or brown. The sap of the fig's green parts is an irritant to human skin.
Fig has unique medical and caloric properties, which has been recognized from old days. The ancient Greek knew fig as an antidote. Fig is one of the best and nutritious foods for those who have suffered from chronic diseases. Fig is a fruit full of energy which is used in different forms: wet, dry, marmalade, syrup, chocolate and also mixed with other items such as sesame, nut and milk. Having about 65 to 70 percent sugar, fig is one of the energetic fruits. Also, it has a lot of carbon-hydrate, sodium, calcium and potassium.
The medical properties of fig:
Fig is very useful for softening chest and intestines. Boiled fig is prescribed for the inflammation of breathing system and its gargling is very useful for sore throat and cold and it cures throat and gum infections.
Fresh and dry fig causes laxity and cures chronic constipation. Recent medicine makes syrup out of fig which is called “figin” which is used to cure children’s constipation.
 History of fig plantation and production in Estahban:

The city of Estahban with more than 22133 acres of fig plantation and a history of more than 250 years of fig production has the highest record of producing this fruit in the world. As such, this city has gained the most important rank in the world in the production and exportation of dry fig with an annual production of more than 22000 tons.


Saffron is a spice derived from the flower of the saffron crocus (Crocus sativus). Crocus is a genus in the family Iridaceae. A C. sativus flower bears three stigmas, each the distal end of a carpel. Together with the styles — stalks that connect the stigmas to their host plant — the dried stigmas are used in cooking as a seasoning and colouring agent. Saffron, long the world's most expensive spice by weight, is native to Southwest Asia.
Saffron's bitter taste and iodoform- or hay-like fragrance result from the chemicals picrocrocin and safranal. Saffron also contains acarotenoid dye, crocin, which imparts a rich golden-yellow hue to dishes and textiles.

  • Iran is the first country for producing Saffron among the world countries.

  • A 2010 double-blind, placebo-controlled study found saffron helped mild to moderate Alzheimer's disease.

  • Crocetin, an important carotenoid constituent of saffron, has shown significant potential as an anti-tumor agent in animal models and cell culture systems. Saffron inhibits DMBA-induced skin carcinoma in mice when treated early.

  • Animal testing has shown that the aqueous and ethanolic extracts of saffron and its constituents, crocin and safranal, have antidepressant activities in forced swimming test.

  • Both saffron stigma and petals are said to be helpful for depression.

  • Satiereal (Inoreal Ltd, Plerin, France), a novel extract of saffron stigma, may reduce snacking and enhance satiety through its suggested mood-improving effect, and thus contribute to weight loss.

  • Saffron was found to be effective in relieving symptoms of PMS.

  • Saffron, crocins and crocetin inhibit breast cancer cell proliferation.

  • Crocus sativus (most saffron research refers to the stigmas but often this is not made clear in research papers) inhibits histamine H1 receptors in animals, suggesting a potential use in allergic disorders. (Histamine is a biological amine that plays an important role in allergic responses.)

  • Saffron may have a protective effect on the heart.

  • A 2011 double blind, human trial found use of 100 mg of saffron daily has temporary immunomodulatory activities.

























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